Sunday, 6 December 2015

Welcome to My Blog about Richard III and lots of other stuff

Welcome to my blog.
I  am a historical fiction and historical fantasy writer who likes tro travel throughout Britain and who also likes cto have a little rant  every now and then! (As one does.)
I am the author of two novels set at the time of #Stonehenge, Stone Lord and Moon Lord, a ton of short stuff in various fantasy geners, and a number of  books about Richard III, inncluding White Roses, Golden Sunnes, and the bestseller  Sacred King (a mythic  look at Richard, using archetypes) and my current release, I, RICHARD PLANTAGENET part 1, Tante le Desiree, which a recent reviewer described as 'a new classic' of Ricardian fiction. (That brought a happy tear to me eye.)
 Why Richard? Well, I always had an interest in the medieval, although as a child and young person, I was more interested in the 12th century, perhaps because of a life long interest in the legend of Robin Hood. Anyway, I read Sharon Penman's Sunne in Splendour in the 80's and that gave me food for thought. I was never greatly enamoured of the Tudors, and wondered about the old  adage 'history is written by the victors.' My interest was piqued again by the finding of Richard's remains and I found myself quickly immersed in medieval history again.
  And then I had this story to write, more complex than anythingI had ever written before....

   I've also loved travel ever since I moved to the U.K. (before that too, actually.) Anything historical will do. It is a real NEED within me to connect to the past, and also to be visiallu stimulated, which ancient buildings and structures seem to do for me. So, with my long suffering 'chauffeur' (Dan), I travel all over the country, finding places of interest...a lot of them Richard related but also anything else of note including prehistoric sites. I will share my photos on the blog, as well as any interesting info....